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Teacher Gift Project

A teacher holding a gift.
Students receiving gifts.
Classroom of kids receiving gifts.
A smiling teacher holding gifts.

We know teaching is difficult, especially your first year on the job! 

If ...

  1. This is your very first year teaching AND
  2. Your classroom is in an elementary school in the SAR jurisiction

Then submit your Amazon wishlist! (Applications will open again in the fall.)

The SAR jurisdiction includes these counties in Kansas: Brown, Greenwood, Jackson, Jefferson, Lyon, Nemaha, Osage, and Shawnee.

We frequently receive requests for items such as:

  • Items to support students with specific needs such as fidget toys, wobble chairs, chair bands, and bean bags
  • Classroom supplies that may be difficult for parents to provide such as headphones and reusable water bottles
  • Learning tools and charts
  • Classroom organizers
  • Books and games
  • Art supplies

Depending on the number of responses we receive, you will receive some or all of your requested items sometime before winter break.

 Thank you so much for the important work you do!

David Haselkorn quote: Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all other professions possible.
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